
Protect Marriage Equality, Join California's Fight

Protect Marriage Equality, Join California's Fight

Something extraordinary is happening in California.

When it became clear a few weeks ago that right-wing extremists were pouring millions of dollars into our state to attack our fundamental freedom to marry -- Californians who care about justice started fighting back.

Californians didn't wait for a campaign, or a consultant, or a politician to tell them what to do. Across the state, hundreds of thousands of people started standing up and speaking out against Proposition 8.

We used our own words and spoke from our hearts. We started emailing, writing checks to No on 8, blogging, posting videos, picking up the phone and most of all speaking out at our jobs, to our friends and to our families about how terribly wrong it would be to use our Constitution to eliminate the right to marry for lesbian and gay couples.

This has probably been one of the most powerful flash campaigns in US history. A few weeks ago, the right-wing money machine was winning. Today -0 we are on the verge of overwhelming their money with the combined power of hundreds of thousands of Californians who are doing their part to defeat Proposition 8.

Let's keep it going. We have contributed millions already -- let's do more. We have sent millions of emails. But we can't stop until we have emailed every single person we know and asked for their vote and their support. Let's keep blogging, posting videos, writing letters, calling and talking to everyone we know.

Proposition 8 is a terrible attack on our lesbian and gay friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members. But the response of our community shows the best of California -- hundreds of thousands of regular people across the state joining together almost spontaneously to say "NO" to using our laws to hurt our fellow Californians.

"Yes we can" has a whole new meaning in California today. We are showing that we can stand up to right-wing extremists and protect equal rights for every single Californian.

Let's show that we can every single day until the polls close on November 4th.

Tune into The Gavin Newsom Show next Saturday at 11AM PST on Green 960 AM. I will be hosting a special election broadcast about California's fight for equal rights.

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